Hi! I am Anand Jayprakash Vaidya, Professor of Business Ethics and the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence at San Jose State University and Visiting Professor of Indian Philosophy of Mind and Knowledge at University of California, Los Angeles. On this site you can find information about me, a list of my recent and upcoming talks, and links to my publications. If you are a student in one of my courses, you can find information about your course under the courses tab. I can be contacted by email at:
[email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected] |
Curriculum Vitae:
Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
Personal History:
The Story of One Male Asian American Philosopher in The Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies Newsletter of the American Philosophical Association
The Story of One Male Asian American Philosopher in The Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies Newsletter of the American Philosophical Association
Public Philosophy
Can Machines Have Emotions? in AI and Society
Are Large Language Models Natural Born Bullshitters? in The Philosopher's Magazine
If a Robot is Conscious, Is it ok to Turn it Off? in The Conversation
The Ethics of Suicide in The Philosopher’s Magazine
Terminal Illness and Transformative Experience in The Philosopher's Magazine
The Science Fiction and Philosophy Society: an Introduction in Sci-Phi Journal
Indian epistemology: part 1 in The APA blog
Indian epistemology: part 2 in The APA blog
Indian epistemology: part 3 in The APA blog
Indian philosophy of mind: part 1 in The APA blog
Indian philosophy of mind: part 2 in The APA blog
Indian critical thinking in The APA blog
Whose philosophy lost its way? part 1 in The APA blog
Whose philosophy lost its way? part 2 in The APA blog
Whose philosophy lost its way? part 3 in The APA blog
Public Interviews:
Vedic Philosophy, Epistemology, and the Illusion of the Self on Theories of Everything Podcast
Indian Philosophy and the Science of Consciousness on the Mind-Body Solution Podcast
The Morals of Artificial Intelligence on Irish Newstalks Moncrieff Show.
The Repetitions in Compositions in Syntalk, Bombay, India.
Can Machines Have Emotions? in AI and Society
Are Large Language Models Natural Born Bullshitters? in The Philosopher's Magazine
If a Robot is Conscious, Is it ok to Turn it Off? in The Conversation
The Ethics of Suicide in The Philosopher’s Magazine
Terminal Illness and Transformative Experience in The Philosopher's Magazine
The Science Fiction and Philosophy Society: an Introduction in Sci-Phi Journal
Indian epistemology: part 1 in The APA blog
Indian epistemology: part 2 in The APA blog
Indian epistemology: part 3 in The APA blog
Indian philosophy of mind: part 1 in The APA blog
Indian philosophy of mind: part 2 in The APA blog
Indian critical thinking in The APA blog
Whose philosophy lost its way? part 1 in The APA blog
Whose philosophy lost its way? part 2 in The APA blog
Whose philosophy lost its way? part 3 in The APA blog
Public Interviews:
Vedic Philosophy, Epistemology, and the Illusion of the Self on Theories of Everything Podcast
Indian Philosophy and the Science of Consciousness on the Mind-Body Solution Podcast
The Morals of Artificial Intelligence on Irish Newstalks Moncrieff Show.
The Repetitions in Compositions in Syntalk, Bombay, India.
Recent Publications (see all publications under research and papers):
Epistemology of Modality and Philosophical Methodology:
Epistemology of Modality and Philosophical Methodology:
- Absence and the A Priori: A Note on Taber’s Argument in Journal of Indian Philosophy, December 2024
- Introduction to the Epistemology of Modality and Philosophical Methodology in Vaidya, A. & Prelevic, D. (eds.) The Epistemology of Modality and Philosophical Methodology. London: Routledge Publishing: 2023.
- The Epistemology of Modality in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Summer 2021.
- Intuition and Modality: A disjunctive-social account of intuition-based justification for the epistemology of modality in O. Bueno & S. Shalkowski (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Modality, Routledge Publishing: 208-218, Fall 2020.
- Epistemology in Classical Indian Philosophy with Stephen Phillips in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring 2024.
- Two Conceptions of the Relation between the Self and God: The Debate Between Śaṅkara and Rāmānuja in Silvestre, R., Herbert, A., & Paul Göcke, B. (eds.) Vaiṣṇava Concepts of God: Philosophical Perspectives. London: Routledge Publishing: 101-115, December 2023.
- Interrogating Illusionism in Beweis, S. & Shani, I. (eds.) Cross-Cultural Approaches to Consciousness: Mind, Nature, and Ultimate Reality. London: Bloomsbury Publishing: 267-290, December 2022.
- Elements of Knowledge-First Epistemology in Gaṅgeśa in Gendler, T., Hawthorne, J., and Chung, J. (eds.) Oxford Studies in Epistemology Volume 7: 336-364, December 2022.
- On The Possibility of A Dual-Natured Self in RUDN Journal of Philosophy Vol. 26.2: 285-304. June 2022.
- Analytic Panpsychism and the Metaphysics of Rāmānuja's Viśiṣṭadvaita Vedānta in Monist Special Issue on Cosmopsychism and Indian philosophy edited by Jonardon Ganeri and Itay Shani, Vol 105.1:110-130. January 2022.
- Multi-Factor Causal Disjunctivism: A Nyāya Informed Account of Perceptual Disjunctivism in Sophia: International Journal of Traditions and Cultures Vol. 60.4, December 2021.
- Perceptual, Reflective, and Speculative Doubt in Nyāya in Midwest Studies in Philosophy Vol. 45: 77-98, November 2021.
- A New Debate on Consciousness: Bringing Classical and Modern Vedānta into Dialogue with Contemporary Analytic Panpsychism in Ayon Maharaj's (Ed.) The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Vedānta (pp. 393-423), October 2020.
- Logical Pluralism and Paradoxical Assertions in the Philosophy of Religion with Noah Friedman-Biglin in Philosophy Compass, Winter 2024.
- Intellectual Ahiṃsā and Epistemic Friction in S. Flavel and C. Robbiano (eds.) Key Concepts in World Philosophy. Bloomsbury Publishing. January 2023.
- Is it Permissible to Teach Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation in a Critical Thinking Course? in Informal Logic Vol. 40.4: 545-586, December 2020.
- Democracy and Polarization in Argument Vol 10. July 2020.
- Abhinavagupta, The Hard Problem of Consciousness, and The Moral Grounding Problem in International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, Winter 2024.
- Susan Schneider on Artificial Consciousness and Moral Standing in Analysis, Spring 2024.
- Considering Certification in Philosophy East and West, April 2023.
- A Critical Notice on the Moral Grounding Question in David Chalmers’ Reality+ in Sophia Journal of Cultures and Traditions of Philosophy, January 2023.
- Review of Reality+ by David Chalmers in Philosophy East and West, January 2023.
- Review of Daniel Raveh's Daya Krishna and 20th Century Indian Philosophy in APA Asian and Asian-American Philosophers Newsletter 22.1. Fall 2022.
Recorded talks
- "Does Vedānta Concern the Hard Problem of Consciousness?" at Vimarśa Foundation. May 4, 2024.
- "Artificial Intelligence, Moral Standing, and Emotions" at Workshop on The Philosophy of AI, Agency, and Wellbeing at University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. November 20-24, 2023.
- "Knowledge, Perception, and Certification in Nyāya and Analytic Epistemology" at Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, Oxford, UK. November 16, 2023.
- "The Parable of the Elephant: How Indian Philosophy Illuminates the Study of Consciousness" at MindFest at FAU, Florida, USA, March 16-17, 2023.
- "Advaita Vedānta and the Mind Extension Hypothesis" at RUND University, Moscow, Russia, March 2, 2023.
- Cross-Cultural and Multi-Disciplinary Methods in Philosophy and Logic Across Indian and Greek Systems At King’s College London Login Podcast Project November 24, 2022.
- "Can Indian Logic Contribute to the Debate over Logical Pluralism? The Case of Jaina Logic" at Workshop on Approaches to Argumentation at Old Dominion University hosted by Teresa Kouri-Kissel, July 19, 2022.
- "Concepts of Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence: Analyzing Google's LaMDA from Analytic Philosophy and Indian Philosophy of Mind" at Organizations, Artifacts, and Practices Workshop on Posthumanists organizing for Posthumanism hosted by San Francisco State University, June 22-24, 2022.
- "Concepts of Consciousness: Crossing Access and Phenomenal Consciousness with Dual and Non-Dual Consciousness" at People's Friendship University of Russia, May 13, 2022.
- "Exploring Consciousness, Artificial Consciousness, and Artificial General Intelligence" at Dialexicon. March 27, 2022.
- "Jain Logic / Epistemology?" at Iranian Association for Logic Conference on Oriental Logic. June 29, 2021.
- Epistemic Authority--A Dialogue with Sean Smith at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. January 15, 2022.
- "Public Philosophy: Cross-Cultural and Multi-Disciplinary" at University of Delhi hosted by Working Group in Philosophical Methodology, New Delhi, India. October 7, 2020.
- "The Project of Cross-Cultural and Scientifically Informed Critical Thinking" at San Jose State University Scholar Series. February 21, 2018.
- "Perception, Hallucination, and Knowledge in Nyāya and Analytic Philosophy" at University of Leeds, UK. November 2, 2023.
- "Perception, Hallucination, and Knowledge in Nyāya and Analytic Philosophy" at Stirling University, UK. October 31, 2023.
- "Does the Pauli-Exclusion Principle Support Modalism or Essentialism?" at St. Andrews University, UK, October 30, 2023.
- "Deepfakes and the Problem of Certification" at The University of Cologne, Germany, October 18, 2023.
- "Argumentation and Certification" at World Congress of Logic, Sinaia, Romania. September 3-8, 2023.
- "Moral Grounding and Grading: An Intelligent Systems-Based Approach" at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. August 25-27, 2023.
- "A Nyāya Response to the Problem of Amodal Completion as a Threat to Relationalism about Perception" at European Society for Analytic Philosophy Conference, Vienna, Austria. August 20-26, 2023.
- "Cross-Cultural Conceptual Engineering On Certification" at University of Warsaw, Poland. June 10-11, 2023.
- "Moral Grounding and Grading: An Intelligent Systems Approach" at Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland. June 3-4, 2023.
- "Nyāya Perceptual Theory and the Problem of Amodal Illusions" at The Science of Consciousness Conference, Taormina, Sicily. May 25-31, 2023.
- "The Moral Grounding Problem: An Engagement Between David Chalmers' Reality+ and Umasvati's Tattvārtha Sūtra" at University of Stockholm. May 21-23, 2023.
- "On Certification" at Ghent University. May 17, 2023.
- "Multi-Factor Causal Disjunctivism about Perception and the Problem of Illusion" at University of Antwerp. May 4, 2023.
- "On Certification: A New Architecture for Contemporary Epistemology based on Nyāya Epistemology" at UC Irvine, California, USA, April 28.
- "Samkhya-Yoga and the Status of Artificial Minds in Nature" at Samkhya-Yoga Conference at University of San Francisco, California, USA, April 13-15, 2023.
- "A Classical Indian Philosophical Engagement with David Chalmers' Reality+" at Siena College, New York, USA, March 9, 2023.
- "The Epistemic Limit of Illusionism about Consciousness" at JNU, Delhi, India, Feb 1, 2023.
- ”Can Contributions from Jaina Logic to Logical Theory Also Contribute to the Debate over Logical Pluralism? An Exploration with Some Suggestions” at BHU, Varanasi, India, Jan 17, 2023.
- ”Can Machines Have Emotions?” at India International Center, Delhi, India, Jan 12-13, 2023.
- "Concepts of Consciousness in Advaita Vedānta and Analytic Philosophy of Mind" at Advaita Society Delhi University, Jan 10, 2023
- “Śaṅkara, Rāmānuja, Frankish, Goff, Strawson, Bradford, and Chalmers on Consciousness, Self, Reality, and Moral Standing” at Sree Shankaracharya Sanskrit University, Kalady, Kerala, India, January 3-9, 2023.
- ”What is Wrong with Conferalism, Normativism, and Modalism About the Epistemology of Modality?” At University of Miami, December 2, 2022.\
- ”Can Machines Have Emotions?” At University of Hawaii, November 4, 2022.
- “Kripke’s Account of the Epistemology of Modality” at 50th Anniversary of “Naming and Necessity” at City University of New York, October 19, 2022.
- ”Can Machines Have Emotions?” At Florida Atlantic University, October 12, 2022.
- "Similarity: An independent category of reality, only knowable through an independent knowledge source" at Indian and Analytic Approaches to Similarity Workshop hosted by Malcolm Keating and Ben Blumson, August 4-5, 2022.
- "Can Indian Logic Contribute to the Debate over Logical Pluralism? The Case of Jaina Logic" at University of Calicut, Kerala, India. July 21, 2022.
- "Essence and Possibility: On the Role of Controlling Conceptions in the Acquisition of Modal Knowledge" at Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA, February 22-26, 2022.
- "Interrogating Varieties of Illusionism: Against Phenomenal, Structural, Foundational, Accuracy, and Fundamental Illusionism" at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, November 29-30, 2021.
- "Rāmānuja's Qualified Non-Dualism and Analytic Panpsychism" at Sree Śaṅkacharya University, Kalady, Kerala, India, November 23, 2021.
- "Imaginability: From Mind to Morality" at University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA. October 29, 2021.
- "Resisting the Allure of Illusionism about Consciousness: Realism and Privacy" at William and Mary, Virginia, USA. October 1, 2021.
- "The Epistemic Argument Against Illusionism about the Self and Consciousness" at Sree Śaṅkacharya University, Kalady, Kerala, India. June 1, 2021.
- "Controlling Conceptions and the Problem of Epistemic Modal Friction" at Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome, Italy. February 22, 2021.
- "The Epistemology of Modality and the Problem of Modal Epistemic Friction" with M. Wallner at Seminar on Modality hosted by Crispin Wright and Paul Horwich, New York University. March 31, 2020.
- "What Does a Modal Normativist Know about Metaphysical Modality?" with A. Mallozzi at Workshop on Modal Knowledge hosted by Michael Wallner, University of Graz, Austria. March 13, 2020.
- "Perceptual Knowledge in Timothy Williamson and Jay Shaw & Stephen Phillips on Nyāya" at Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture hosted by Jay Shaw, Gol Park, Kolkata. January 6-8, 2020.
- "Disjunctivism and Knowledge-First in Timothy Williamson and Jay Shaw & Stephen Phillips on Nyāya" at Indian Epistemology Conference hosted by Jennifer Nagel and Ajay Rao, University of Toronto, Canada. November 8, 2019.
- "The Epistemic Argument Against Illusionism about the Self and Consciousness" at the Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Bath University; Bath, England. June 18-21, 2019.
- "Which Illusion Should We Accept? -The Epistemic Argument Against Asymmetric and Dual Illusionism about the Self and Consciousness" at East Asian Contributions to Panpsychism hosted by Itay Shani, Sun Yat Sen University; Zhuhai, China. June 11-13, 2019.
- "Towards an Attention-First Epistemology" at The Virtues of Attention Conference hosted by Jonardon Ganeri, New York University. April 24-26, 2019.